As luck would have it, I was talking (whining) about trying to repair or find a replacement 318 poly exhaust manifold at a local parts store, and one of the staff mentioned having a 1965 318 at home. He called the next day with the manifold removed and we bought it for $60.00. It lines up with the old manifold and should hopefully be a good fit. From the photos you can see the new and old manifold, a close up of the
JB Weld we attempted (NOTE I don't know if works as we are going with the new manifold now) and a photo of the passenger side manifold (which at this point is still intact on Myrtle).
Interesting blog!
I am in the process of getting a 1973. Would love to chat about part resources as I am also here in Calgary. Send me a note please...I am not on any blogs so hope this is OK
I know your pain
Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you. exhaust manifold casting
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